Brand protection reimagined

Leonhard Kurz Stiftung & Co.KG
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Brand protection reimagined

In a world where counterfeiting and brand misuse are increasingly commonplace, innovative solutions to combat these threats are becoming more of a focus. Brand owners face the challenge of protecting their products and intellectual property rights in both the physical and digital worlds.


In this dynamic environment, SCRIBOS, a specialist in secure product labeling, and globaleyez GmbH, an expert in online brand protection, have joined forces to offer an innovative brand protection solution. Their collaboration is characterized by the unique combination of digital and physical security measures, which not only offers brand owners comprehensive protection but also saves time and resources.


Pioneering brand protection ‘made in Germany’

Thanks to its extensive experience in online brand protection, globaleyez is an ideal partner that effectively translates SCRIBOS recognition data into real brand protection successes for customers. globaleyez contributes more than a decade of industry-leading experience in brand protection and channel monitoring, with a particular focus on securing brands’ e-commerce presence and protecting their intellectual property - both online and offline. With its comprehensive portfolio of services, including global marketplace, domain, image, social media, and app store monitoring, trial purchases in over 50 countries, and sales tracking on key marketplaces, globaleyez sets a new standard in brand protection. In addition, targeted measures are taken to remove IP-infringing content and implement sustainable enforcement programs. globaleyez has established a large network of various cooperation partners, including online marketplaces, search engines, payment providers, domain registrars, and international authorities, as part of these programs. This collaboration is also cross-platform and enables globaleyez to carry out regular success monitoring of enforcement measures.

On the other hand, SCRIBOS has been a specialist in innovative and secure product labeling for over 20 years and has been part of the KURZ family since 2021. Our digital authentication technologies and the SCRIBOS 360 platform not only offer protection against counterfeits and the gray market but also enable valuable customer interactions, track & trace functionalities, and in-depth insights through market analyses.

Integrated brand protection online and offline. (Source: SCRIBOS)

Effective brand protection thanks to dynamic collaboration

The partnership between SCRIBOS and globaleyez is an example of the modern, integrated approach to brand protection that enables brands to effectively defend themselves against the increasing challenges in the industry. Two vivid examples demonstrate the effectiveness of this dynamic collaboration:

Customers can report counterfeit products on the SCRIBOS 360 platform. This allows globaleyez to initiate precise and targeted measures such as test purchases and takedowns.
Another example is the identification of fraud hotspots through suspicious scans in the SCRIBOS 360 platform. globaleyez uses this to conduct OSINT (Open Source INTelligence) investigations and test purchases to effectively remove counterfeit products from circulation.

The future of brand protection

Dr. Tobias Kresse, SCRIBOS Managing Director
Oliver Guimaraes, Managing Director of globaleyez

These approaches show how linking online research data with physical scan data becomes an effective tool in the fight against counterfeiting.

Oliver Guimaraes, Managing Director of globaleyez, emphasizes the importance of integrated brand protection measures: “Combining data from online research with scan data from authentication is the way forward. As the challenges in our diverse industry increase, it’s a great relief for brands to know that their brand protection measures are integrated and interlinked.”

Dr. Tobias Kresse, SCRIBOS Managing Director, adds: “Through our combined solutions, there is now a clear path to address the core problem and achieve a significant and sustainable reduction in counterfeit and unauthorized products.”

SCRIBOS and globaleyez exemplify the forward-looking approach in brand protection that enables brands to defend themselves against the increasing challenges in the industry in a time- and resource-efficient manner, while simultaneously optimizing the protection of their brands and products.

Join us in this new era of brand protection that will make your brand safer and stronger, both online and offline.

Further information on the future of brand protection is available at: 

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